Uplaodaty: Make money from file uploads

Uplaodaty: Make money from file uploads

Uplaodaty: Make money from file uploads

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Uploadaty is a professional script to earn money from uploading and sharing files. We guarantee our customers the quality and profits of this profitable project.
Uploadaty script can be installed on any hosting (with unlimited upload space because the script is dedicated to upload files so it will need unlimited space).

System Requirements

  • PHP>= 7.1.3
  • mod_rewrite module enabled
  • OpenSSL extension
  • cURL extension
  • JSON extension
  • Mbstring extension
  • PDO extension
  • Tokenizer extension
  • ZIP extension
  • Bcmath extension
  • cType extension
  • XML extension
  • GD extension
  • MySQL 5.1.10 or greater

  • GDPR Compliant

  • A checkbox to accept the Terms of use and Privacy policy while user registration.
  • Make personal information optional like full name, country ...
  • Users & Admin can export all personal data like profile data, files, folders, invoices and withdraws.
  • Display cookie notification message
  • A checkbox field to contact us and support forms to accept collecting name and email
  • Admin can delete a user completely with its related files, downloads, folders, invoices and withdraws

  • Members

  • Publishers and Admin can earn money by showing ads when users click on uploaded files (Like Adsense).
  • Ability to change the CPM (Cost Per Mille, thousands) for each country
  • Different ad types
  • Banner 728×90, 468×60 & 336×280
  • Custom Ad script
  • Publishers have access to a powerful dashboard
  • Statistics
  • Auto-generated line graphs
  • Can view, edit, delete files
  • Other great features
  • visitors can sign up and activation e-mails will be sent out
  • reCAPTCHA verification on download & reset password and signup pages
  • Allow users to reset their passwords
  • Allow users to change their email address
  • Users can add their billing information like first name, last name, address, country, city, state, phone number, profile picture & background.
  • Buy & Sell Files

  • Sale of files on the site and receive a commission for each sale
  • Purchase files across various payment methods currently available
  • Ease, speed and safety
  • And more ….
  • Payment Gateways

  • Paypal
  • Bitcoin
  • Etherum
  • Dogecoin
  • And more is coming ….
  • Withdrawal System

  • Publishers can withdraw their earned profits using withdrawal method created by admin.
  • Review, approval, return, cancellation by the Admin.
  • Referrals System

    Uploadaty referral program is a great way to spread the word of this great service and to earn even more money with your uploaded files! Refer friends and receive 20% of their earnings for life!

    API Tools

  • Remote URL upload: Users can use this to upload his files with links.
  • Upload With URL: Users can use this to upload files without login.
  • Captcha System

  • Enable/Disable Captcha
  • Enable/Disable on Download Page
  • Enable/Disable on Signup Form
  • Enable/Disable on Forgot Password Form
  • Translation Ready

    Easliy translate Uploadaty to the language of your choice.

    Multilingual Ready

    Visitors can choose ftheir language from the dropdown.


    You can add unlimited pages with the ability to edit and delete.


  • Multi domains for download files page
  • Support form for member area
  • Upgrade system to get more space, no ads & captcha ...
  • Administration Panel

  • Easily accessible & make users admins
  • View site statistics on the dashboard
  • Change website name & description
  • Change default site language
  • Enable/Disable Account Activation by Email
  • Change Referral Percentage earning
  • Ability to add Head Code into front area pages
  • Ability to add Head Code into Auth pages like signin, sinup, forgot password pages
  • Ability to add Head Code into member area
  • Ability to add Head Code into admin area
  • Set counter value into download files pages
  • Admin can ads into various positions like:
  • Member Area
  • Captcha page
  • Banner 728×90
  • Banner 468×60
  • Banner 336×280
  • Ability to ad Facebook Page URL
  • Ability to ad Twitter Profile URL
  • PHP email support
  • Sending Emails via SMTP
  • Send mail to all users with html

  • It is recommended to add the following types in blacklist :

    Mime Types

    Important notes

    1- The buyer must purchase the best protection :
    ---> That is, it will need the best SSL protocol available in the selected hosting.
    2- It is necessary to use the Cloudflare site to ensure safety during lift and use. And if you use Cloudflare in the free version. Then the upgrade feature should not be activated because the script is not available for all features.
    3- We also recommend using the two sites: DMCA Protection and McAfee SECURE

    How to install

    1 - You should go to http://example.com/install to start your installation.
    3 - After installation, you need to get an activation code by sending a message to:
    3 - After installation, you need to get an activation code by sending a message to: Cool Scripts PAGE
    To make sure you send domain information and an image containing proof of payment.
    After you get the code, please go to http://example.com/check/activation
    4 - To change translations, and images, you must follow the following paths:
    Translations : lang/en.php lang/ar.php
    You can also translate the site into the other available languages via the files shown on the folder: lang.
    Images And Logo : img/...

    Paypal IPN : http://domain.com/payments/invoice/paypal_ipn

    Change Log

      V 1.6.0 ->> 2021 - 08 - 25
    Add Enable/Disable Sell Files Option
    Add Show/Hide Invalid Views From Users Panel
    Add Advanced Statistics Page
    Add WordPress Blog System
    Add Uploadaty Settings Page in WordPress (Not included with the script, $4.99 extra)
    V 1.5.0 ->> 2019 - 03 - 24
    Add Upload Files to CDN (Amazon S3)
    Add MVC System
    Add Upload via AJAX
    Add Cache System
    Add Download Files as ZIP
    V 1.4.1 ->> 2018 - 07 - 17
    Add Sending Emails via SMTP
    Add Payment via PayPal
    Add Buy and sell files
    Add Professional email format
    Add Proof of payment page
    Add Payment cancellation and refund
    Fix GEO IP package
    V 1.4.0 ->> 2018- 06 - 14
    Fix Dashboard statistics
    Add send email to all users in html
    Add GDPR enhancements:
    > Add checkbox to accept the Terms of use and Privacy policy while user registration
    > Make personal information optional like full name ...
    > Users & Admins can export all personal data like profile data, files, invoices and withdraws.
    > Display cookie notification message
    > Add checkbox field to contact us and support forms to accept collecting name and email
    > Admin can delete a user completely with its files, views, folders, invoices and withdraws.
    Add Detailed statistics on sources of visits per user
    Other improvements and minor bug fixes
    V 1.3.0 ->> 2018- 04
    Add Payments with bitcoin, litecoin, etherum, dogecoin ...
    Add Close registration option
    Add Force Anti-AdBlock into download file pages
    Add Detect if user re-create an account with IP
    Other improvements and minor bug fixes
    V 1.2.0 ->> 2018- 01
    Add new style
    Add a line statistics in admin & member dashboards
    Add Approved, Completed, Cancelled withraw status
    Add Option to set counter on ads page
    V 1.1.0 ->> 2017- 09
    Add Multilangual function
    Add Upload More than 5 GB in Server
    Add A new download page style
    Add TOP files
    Add Remote Url Upload
    Add CPM
    Add Select lang by user
    Add reCAPTCHA layer before visitor go to ads page
    Add Pages function
    Add Firewall to protect from XSS & DDoS & SQL injection
    Add Installation system
    V 1.0.0 ->> 2017- 05
    First release

    Cool Scripts